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Art installation and exhibition has started in Kinco. hostel+cafe, Sep.8, 2020

Setuchi Art Collecitive’s delivery and installation has been completed successfully in The kinco.+cafe. The exhibition and sale of art works will start on Tuesday, September 8.
We will exhibit paintings and installation works by four young contemporary artists from Kagawa prefecture. It's a hard time for the art, but I hope you will enjoy the delicious coffee and various art works in here. Have a nice time and Art for You!



Entrepreneurship symposium Participated, Sep.5, 2020

Entrepreneurship symposium Participated as a panelist in "Starting a new business in Kagawa". In this symposium, we are disseminating "Kagawa's new business in daily life" to the whole country while searching for "Attractiveness of Kagawa Prefecture" that is attracting attention in new everyday life.



Awashima island Art Project in Le-port Awashima, Jun.20, 2020

At Le Port Awashima in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, artists produced the hotel rooms as "art rooms" . We hope that this is an opportunity for people both inside and outside the island to enjoy the scenic Awashima nature and the collaboration works of artists who also live in Setouchi.  The "Art Room" uses a revenue share model that returns a part of the accommodation fee to the artist. The operation is planned for one room for one year for the time being, but we will consider the expansion based on the judgment of the operation status.



Visual Thinking of Art #2, Online, Jun.14, 2020

We held the Visual Thinking of Art at online viewing 3rd. The artist is Hideyuki Miura who are living in Nagasaki prefecture, His art subjection common days which are not special but he would like to draw a things which he imagine and feel through all of the common days.




We collaborated with VIS-À-VIS for art exhibition at Okayama Station's Underpass. It introduce Setouchi Young Artist and their works. It will continue a year and replace an artwork for seasonal period.

​These art works can Purchase / Lease Subscription on this website, please check it.


  • From: 2020.5.28 Thu,

  • Place: EkimotoCho, Kita-ku, Okayama, Okayama  Pref.


Visual Thinking of Art #2, Online, May.17, 2020

We held the Visual Thinking of Art at online viewing 2nd. The artist is Asuka Takamatsu who are living in Kagawa prefecture, she draw a pale dreamlike landscape which are inspired some images she looked in past.

In this session, 15 people joined and talked actively and we are planed to next session, so let's join us!



Visual Thinking of Art #1, Online, May.6, 2020

We are going to held the Visual Thinking of Art at online viewing. Due to COVID-19, many artists are lost their chance of exhibition, we want to support them by collaborate our partner "Mati Museum Project".

This program are targeting not only art enthusiast but also casual art fun, we look the art works which made by Genki Isayama who are media artists in Yamaguchi prefecture, and chat together.



Shota Kimura's Exhibition , Hiroshima, Apr.16, 2020

Shota Kimura is making Sculpture & Painting. His latest art exhibition has held at Gallery G.

His works are drawing natural things like a rope, ship, marine life symbolically. Also those works has clarity by color and shape.

That exhibition is showing not only offline but also online. It's decent way for such a hard situation by COVID-19. 

Lets read following website to see his art.


  • Period 2020.4.14 Tue – 19 Sun

  • Time 11:00-20:00(Last day-16:00)

  • Location Gallery G 

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Art Movie Show, Kagawa Motif Gallery, Oct. 2019

We held the Art Movie Show at Kagawa Motif Gallery. More than 20 people joined, then after watching Movie they talk each other about the art story of them own.

Also we held same movie for Takamatsu Kougei High school student thanks to Mr.Kuramoto-san who is a teacher of the school.


  • Period 2019.Dec.21  – Dec.23

  • Motif Gallery & Takamatsu Kougei Hight school


Won the Kagawa Business&Public competition, Dec. 2019

We won the Kagawa Business&public competition which is held by Kagawa Univ. We have presented our service which is distributing art works as subscription model. Actually first buying of the art is scary because it's hard to understand its value correctively and how to deal it, therefore we want to offer less it by subscription model, the user not only can get the art works inexpensive and with insurance, but also connect with the local Setouchi Artists.


  • Period 2019.Nov.28

  • Kagawa University



760-0008 31-22 Nakanocho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture


If you would like to purchase works by artists who are registered with Setouchi Art Collective or who are registered, please contact us.


©SETOUCHI ART COLLECTIVE all right reserved.

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